




DAAD-GSSP Scholarships & HGGS Membership 

*new application date* 1 Nov. 2024!


Zine June 2024




"Active Participatory Transformative Research (CAPIT)", with Prof. Cástor David Mora, PhD

14 - 28 August 2024



"Beyond Numbers: Qualitative Methodology as an Art for Understanding and Transformation", with Prof. Yaima Blanco García, PhD

26 June 2024 (new date!)



"Academic Freedom", with Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier

12 July 2024


South-South-North Scholars


4EU+ European University Alliance


Graduate Academy

Central coordinating body for all support services related to general advising, professional and academic development and financial assistance for doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University. 


Doctoral Studies in Heidelberg


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Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences




The Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences is a central academic institute for doctoral candidates in the humanities, law and social sciences, who regard the exchange with academics from other disciplines as an important part of their own research. Since 2008, the HGGS has offered doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University and visiting scholars from different world regions an interdisciplinary core programme that supports them with selected seminars, lectures, workshops and conferences in their own research activities and provides them with a constructive forum for reflecting on their dissertation projects.


Doctoral candidates from 30 different countries and from six large faculties at Heidelberg University actively network in the HGGS. The faculties participating in the HGGS are the Faculty of Modern Languages, the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Theology (Field of Focus 3), as well as the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Behavioural and Empirical Cultural Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (Field of Focus 4). Serving a diverse, international community, the HGGS promotes collaboration in doctoral projects through its Peer Mentoring scheme and integrates its members into the international academic network of Heidelberg University, one of Europe's leading research and educational institutions.

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Latest Revision: 2023-12-19
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